Craftsmanship uses only the finest, most luxurious materials in the world. Only Grade-A, leather which is luxuriously soft, dense and malleable need apply. We put each piece of leather through an extensive process to ensure it will provide the best experience. Both sides of the leather are thoroughly examined as each handbag requires a large swath of material and even the slightest blemish will be cause for exclusion.
We look for uniformity and a flawless, fine-grained texture with no visible defects. We select, re-select and select again against these criteria ensuring only the highest quality leather make it through.
Bringing out the best materials isn't something that just anyone can do. For over 10 years, has worked with, tested, improved and pushed the limits of materials, and through this, has done more with it than any other designer. Our design team believes in the durability, comfort and style inherent in every handbag.